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All the best of Spain
Unlimited Tapas

How it works

You can't have all the best of Spain... wait yes you can!

Unlimited tapas now available every night! For $54 you can get all the Spanish delights your heart desires. Unlimited menu not only includes tapas but also our classics and bowls so you can try it all!

Unlimited Survival Guide

The Do's of Unlimited 



1.) Be ready for a full table... and a full belly!

3.) Bring friends who love tapas as much as you, the whole table must participate.


2.) Know that unlimited ordering has a table time of 1 hour 15 minutes... so you could say a limited unlimited!

The Dont's of Unlimited 


1.) Forget it includes classics and bowls! 

2.) Worry about ordering too much, we'll bring out enough for everyone to try... and if you love it we'll bring more! 

3.) Leave without doing a porron... because tapas and porrons are a must at Movida!

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